Process: Preparation - Make enough copies of a worksheet (or Activity Book page) so each group of 3-4 Ss can have one. - Cut the worksheets up so that each question or answer is on a single slip of paper. Model - Divide students into groups of 3-4. - Show/Write a sentence card on the board. E.g. “I am a triangle.” Ask students to read it. - Show a picture of a circle and place it next to the sentence. “Is this correct?” (No) - Repeat with other shapes. Show a picture of a triangle. “Is this correct?” (Yes) Task - Distribute question sets to each group and ask them to match. - Circulate and assist, asking Ss to read the sentences aloud or pointing to various shapes for spoken practice. - Check answers verbally within groups or as a class. |
Benefits: This is a fun and interactive way of completing a worksheet. It encourages students to work together and makes worksheets more physical. |
Anticipated Problems: It is a good idea to mix the groups up to include strong and weak students in the same group. This way, the stronger students can help peer-teach their classmates. It also evens out the competition between groups. |
Fun with Worksheets: